The two spectators had made it as far as you can comfortably. Extra from the black forest to Wiesbaden arrived, sat the Couple on the high back of one of the benches at the Bowling Green of the state capital and looked, at times with binoculars, the view-tight shut-off. It was the only way for the two Fans of the sport of archery to watch the first Germany Cup live. Except for a few VIPs, media representatives and the participating athletes, trainers and helpers was not authorized within the temporary installation in front of the Wiesbaden Kurhaus, in no one. The two onlookers knew this, but wanted to still be here, as it is after the long corona-related time-out with the aiming and shooting was more on the colorful discs.

As an appropriate “Signal to the base” also saw Jörg Brokamp, the Federal managing Director of the German shooters Association (DSB), the Premiere of the event, which would not have happened without the pandemic at all. It is important to set this, and thus perspectives. For the width, as well as for the athletes, of which a total of eight – four men and women – during a national team training in Kienbaum qualifying for perhaps the only major Competition this year had managed.

Amazing results

Among the participants is also a local hero: The Mainz-born Maximilian Weckmüller, whose parents lived a long time in Wiesbaden, and whose grandmother lives there to this day, was provided prior to the Event for a new German record. The 691-rings, the 25-Year-old in a round, made with 72 arrows were shot in Europe, as yet, only four times. Not only is the former Junior world champion himself, also the coach of Oliver Haidn was surprised at the outstanding result. Weckmüller attributed it to the fact that he was the last workout of the week in peace. While representatives of other disciplines, had to pause due to the restrictions imposed by the crisis, were always at a distance the Recurve specialists in your Federal base in Berlin, at an early stage to the Tendons pull.

The home of Hesse, the University of Kassel mechanical engineering made it in the final battle, and stood there, as in the case of the national title in 2019 to fight against the former European champion Florian Kahllund from Fockbek. This Weckmüller 3:7 lost. The Olympic silver medal winner Lisa Unruh of Berlin won at the women in the play-off against Katharina Bauer from Raubling. Just for the men of the DSB, it is important that you quickly feel back in the competition atmosphere and the nervousness drop the Weckmüller admitted, crept it has, like, after you practiced so long. This is because, unlike the women who are qualified to with the whole of the three-member Team for the next year suspended Olympic games in Tokyo, and only internally to find out who represents you, the colleague, still not a single quota place clear. Occasions to it in the European Championships and a world qualifier tournament in the spring to give.