In Poland have protested at the weekend thousands of people against the arrest of a gay rights activist. At a Demonstration in Warsaw on Friday evening, the police arrested around 50 people. On Saturday, several thousand people with rainbow flags and umbrellas were in front of the Palace of culture in the Polish capital once again on the road.

dozens of protesters had tried on Friday evening in Warsaw, to prevent the police in the arrest of the activist. They blocked the police car with arrested the way, some jumped to the police information on the car. The officials were able to make the way finally free. The 48 detainees, among other things, insult of the police were accused of officials and damage to a police car, informed the Polish police on Saturday via Twitter.

the court had previously imposed a two-month detention on remand against the woman. She is accused of in June in Warsaw, a delivery truck with homophobic slogans damaged. Also, you should have the owner of the car, which is as a Volunteer for an Anti-abortion Foundation, pushed. The campaigner appears in the court documents officially as a man under the name of Michal Sz. on, identified, however, as a woman called Margot.

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Margot is a member of a activist group called “stop the nonsense” The group is suspected to have several memorials in Warsaw, including a Statue of Jesus, with LGBT flags and anarchist symbols hung. Against three of the alleged offenders was charged a few days ago on charges of desecration of monuments and the violation of religious feelings.

The large protests on Saturday in Warsaw, directed against “violence and systematic homophobia”, as the organizers, several gay groups, said. “Empathy, Solidarity, Action!”, stood on a poster. Some of the demonstrators chanting, shouting against the police.