The contribution rate for the statutory health insurance companies is fixed. The additional contribution does not. In view of a billion-dollar hole in the coffers, this will increase in the coming year. But the burden is probably lower than previously forecast.

The additional contributions for statutory health insurance (GKV) could rise less than previously thought. Instead of the increase by 0.3 points to 1.6 percent announced by Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, the increase could possibly be only 0.2 points, as can be seen from the results of the GKV estimator group. The Ministry is responsible for determining the additional contribution. It is to take place after the parliamentary procedure for the GKV Financial Stabilization Act has been completed next week.

In addition to the legally stipulated general contribution rate of currently 14.6 percent, the statutory health insurance companies can charge an additional contribution. The amount is determined by each fund itself. The average additional contribution rate is set as an operand by the Ministry of Health by decree. Lauterbach expected an increase to 1.6 percent in July.

The SPD politician explained the figures now published by the GKV estimates group: “This is good news for those with statutory health insurance.” If the Bundestag passes the Financial Stabilization Act as planned, “the originally planned loan from the GKV of one billion euros could be waived”. The minister added: “In this harsh winter, we must use every opportunity to relieve the burden on the citizens.”

In its most recent meeting, the GKV estimator group confirmed the impending financing gap of around 17 billion euros in the coming year, as the Federal Office for Social Security, as the supervisory authority for statutory health insurance, further announced. However, the reserves in the health fund are slightly higher than expected. As a result, an additional two billion euros could flow, which would make a smaller increase in the additional contribution possible.

“Every euro to close the financing gap that does not have to be financed by increasing additional contributions counts for the people,” explained Doris Pfeiffer, chairwoman of the GKV umbrella association. “It is correct to use the slightly higher reserves in the health fund, which were originally paid in by the contributors, to alleviate the additional burden for the contributors.”

The chairwoman of the board of the AOK federal association, Carola Reimann, sees the financial development of the statutory health insurance “afflicted with considerable uncertainties”. The forecast for 2023 “must not lead to wrong conclusions,” warned Reimann. “The traffic light coalition should not succumb to the temptation of not tackling savings potential on the expenditure side in view of the somewhat more moderate forecasts for the time being.”

The company health insurance companies spoke of a good sign. The estimate gives hope that the financial development in the coming year will be better than initially thought, explained the chairman of the BKK umbrella organization, Franz Knieps. Nevertheless, the ongoing financial risks should not be lost sight of.