In Bavaria, is to be able to let everyone on the Coronavirus test – regardless of whether he has symptoms. The Tests should be extended to “solid,” as health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU), said on Sunday in Munich. They announced a “Corona-Test campaign”: “All the citizens of Bavaria is offered, therefore, timely, to be a established doctor even without symptoms test.”

the following Generally applies: In the fight against the Virus Tests are now in Germany, even in the absence of acute signs of disease on a broad Front possible, especially in sensitive areas such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and daycare centers. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) had announced just three weeks ago, a regulation, a number of additional test facilities on a cash cost sets. Until then, there were Tests on a cash cost in the rule, only in the case of suspected Infection – so if you had symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, or a smell – and taste disorders.

Bavaria is the first state, which provides for, in the future, Tests for everyone. “A cornerstone of our Bavarian test concept is that all the people who want to be tested for an infection to SARS-CoV-2, to obtain certainty about whether or not you have been infected” said Huml. Who bears the cost, remained open in the first place.

After the massive Coronavirus outbreak in the meat Tönnies operating in the district of Gütersloh, the number of Infected has risen in the rest of the population there is “noticeably”. As the circle announced on Saturday evening, have been tested in the past seven days, through Friday, 75 people positive for the Virus, which have no relation to the company. The were 28 more than the previous week. The reason for the rise, especially the expansion of Tests, many of the Infected but showed no symptoms, the authority said.

the focus of the Tests at slaughterhouses

After the incident at Tönnies also in Bavaria, the focus of the Tests at slaughterhouses and meat processing plants are located. The goal is “larger outbreak occurred in Gütersloh prevent,” said the health Minister. In 33 addition, the selected meat, the employees should be tested and operated in Bavaria in a row. “We want to find out whether the high physical workload and physical work in adverse climate, present conditions, and possible other risk factors for coronavirus infection,” said Huml.