President Donald Trump has threatened his former National security adviser John Bolton in the case of the publication of his book criminal consequences. The book should come to appear as announced, on Tuesday week, would Bolton to violate “the law,” said Trump. The President added that the case will probably land soon before the court. All conversations with him, the quote from Bolton, in his book, perhaps from his time in the White house, were “strictly confidential”. It was “totally inappropriate”, that Bolton published during trump’s term of office, a book.

the Minister of justice, William Barr said, Bolton have not gone through the prescribed process, to allow for passages through the White house release. Trump added that Bolton do in the case of a publication punishable. Trump also said that Bolton was not known to always tell the truth. According to the publisher, the book draws the picture of a President who is “addicted to Chaos”. Trump, it was always about his re-election went.

Trump had hate Bolton in September last year as a security consultant because of disagreements. Bolton announced already at the time much saying that he was going to explain, in due time, his point of view on things. The book with the title “The Room Where It Happened” (for example: The room in which it happened), was originally supposed to appear in March, the publication has been stopped already at that time from the White house.