still, many members of the Hessian Parliament, it should be noted the vibration on the murder of Walter Lübcke. Lübcke was eventually to be one of them. Yet for all the consternation the investigation of the murder will be carried out without party political dispute. The opposition factions of the SPD, Linke and the FDP in Hesse state are already for a long time about a request for the establishment of a Committee of inquiry, agreed; he will be presented on Thursday and on Wednesday next week in the state legislature is introduced. Before the summer break, shall constitute the investigation Committee. Hesse will. in the coming months, so in two ways venue for the investigation of the murder of the Kassel government President In the process before the higher regional court of Frankfurt against the alleged murderer and his helpers, begins this Tuesday, as well as in the Landtag.

Julian Staib

Political correspondent for Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland with its headquarters in Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

With the coalition factions of the CDU and the Greens in Wiesbaden, the three opposition parties held talks, whether you want to participate in the application. According to the parliamentary leader of the SPD’s Günter Rudolph Black-and-rejected-Green but, what is criticized Rudolph. However, the suggestions of the government fractions were inserted in the application. You build bridges. The CDU and the greens did not want to comment on so far, and how you are to behave with the application. The Opposition to this present first, before you give the own line known, said a spokeswoman of the Greens. Similarly, a spokesman for the CDU said.

it is Expected that at least the Greens support the amendment. In Hesse, there were also the murders of the “national socialist underground” (NSU) a Committee of inquiry. In the case of the establishment of the Green and the CDU, had included, what is considered to be mainly due to the green base as an error. This kind of error is it now, do it only once. The spokesman of the CDU said to the line of his own party, last discussions had not yet led. The investigation Committee, however, one way or the other. In the Parliament a Quorum of 20 percent is required, which comply with the SPD, Linke and the FDP together significantly.

Lübcke was once even a Deputy of the CDU in the Landtag and was appreciated for its direct art. An interest in education is, therefore, on all sides. As a result, the work of the Committee, the friction is likely to be looser than those at NSU. At the time, especially the first few months were overshadowed by the dispute over the formalities, what was considered by the Opposition as a disability. “If the coalition factions have the interests of a real Enlightenment, it will be this Time easier,” said Monday the spokesman of the group of The Left, Hermann Schaus.

However, the role of the security agencies in the focus, for whose Act repeatedly interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) had to justify the inquiry Committee in the process. In dispute is the role of the constitutional protection is especially. There are countless open questions that always have points of contact to the NSU-complex. Central especially those, why the alleged killer Lübckes, Stephan E., and his assistant, Markus H., came from the visor of the state Constitution protection. Both files were merged, both were then – although they did seem more radical than cooled; their files were locked. In the centre of the opposition’s request, will continue to face the question of how Markus H., who practiced with Stephan E. the shooting, a weapons permit could get. H. had can sue for, because the protection of the Constitution gave no new information about him to a court, although these templates. Here, the President of the Hessian Constitution protection Robert shepherd had recently indirectly misconduct were his authority.