The campaign before the presidential election in Poland entered their hot Phase. In may, the Ruling had declared that the due to the pandemic contested the original election date at the last Minute for the ineffective; and now on the 28th.June will be chosen. At the weekend, Andrzej Duda has to drive the incumbent out of the national conservative ruling party “law and justice” (PiS), heavy gun up.

Gerhard Gnauck

Political correspondent for Poland, the Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, based in Warsaw.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In the Silesian town of Brieg (Brzeg), where he was received by supporters and counter-demonstrators, he said, in the old town and criticized in the same breath the liberal predecessor government and foreign forces. Until the victory of the national conservatives in 2015, to which he had been sold out the economy of the country to foreign investors””. Poland had to close under Brussels ‘ pressure, shipyards, while German and French shipyards could have just worked more. Under pressure from the outside and “against the will of the majority of the population” had been raised, the retirement age (which made the PiS government after 2015 to undo).

But nothing has heated the tempers in the country as strong as Dudas words in Brzeg on the topic of “LGBT” (lesbian, gay, Bi and TRANS-sexuality), which will apparently be the Central election issue. Duda referred to the Constitution, which defines the “family as a Union between man and woman” and, as a education of children “in conformity with their own Convictions”, worthy of protection declared.