in the middle of the vast garden, similar to the well-tended rectangle of the halls on the Kaiserdamm, in the late summer sun pours abundant light, stands out blackish from the floor of the invited guests (“dark Rock requested”). It is looking for from the photographers and Cinema operators swarmed the stands for your goal, the Render, the best shot the field.

From there it has just been announced that the radio exhibition was opened. And now a medium-sized white-haired Lord is in the front row of chairs, and rises, a little shy, behind the console with the two microphones. He lays out a manuscript and begins to read it out, with lind of incoming voice and naive, true-hearted emphasis, pretty, line for line, and when a page is to the end, pausing for a moment, he to carefully, the old and the new sheet, and then it can go further.

A light-hearted comparison brings the listener to a hearty Laugh: the man who does not care about the spirit of the technical means which he uses is such as the cow, which knows nothing of the botany of the plant that eats you comfortable. Since Einstein supported for a moment, and grins a little as he say, because you really had a nice idea for a tricky opening speech.

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Yes, this is a man who feels a little insecure in the role to have here in front of so much people give a talk, and, also, not remotely comparable is only the last of those in the fleets oratorical competition get started the sixth-former, this man is Albert Einstein, and, therefore, not an orator. In its essence, is one with his power, there is no room for the wanted effect, no sense of control of the personal effect. This head as the expression on the given Set, a clear design is, as it were, with the strong up-drawn eyebrows and the moderately high rising forehead, vaulted, above, combed from the light Wind, the white hair gezüngel plays such as the well-disciplined Thoughts ahead of skillful patrols of the imagination.

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Now this head is framed by two Mirkophonen, and in the Background is the radio tower, a narrow, slender, steely crystal, shaped according to immutable laws. A coincidence – but not a painter, Einstein was able to find a greater symbolism.