The social wasps hatred takes for some people criminal proportions. Not only the insects are completely unpopular, creating fantasies on the Internet varied Violence, and are even compared to hate objects such as the mounting, but also the worst things to endure: as soon As you get close to a human, increases the risk of shock, exponentially, in the law due to protection of species prohibited wasps, small animals, agony can be killed by traps.

And many is also in this summer, the impression, the number of wasps in comparison to the past much higher. Is that true? Or is it just my imagination? “Every summer, in the sense of a wasps of summer”, says Melanie von Orlow. The impression that there are more and more wasps, was wrong – in the meantime, the approximately 600 species of wasps were even threatened as in the focus of conservationists moved the bees, explains the biologist in the so-called Hymenoptera service, the institution for the wasps protection and information of the Nabu.

The different species live in two rhythms. During the so-called short-cycle wasps die at the end of August, there lived the long-cycle wasps now until November. The latest observations showed that even Winter and vibrant Nations in January. These consequences of climate change, in Spite of the number of the wasps had not increased but. They survive simply longer, says Orlov.

the wasps from their point of view, to Recognize a danger or feel threatened to stab you. With a sliced onion and a lot of ice, the extent of the stitch can then be limited, the Frankfurt General practitioner Johanna Liebetrau. Generally speaking, the size of wasp stings are usually very small, associated with a slight swelling and redness of the consequences of the Stiches have healed after two to three days.

More allergic reactions to wasp stings

what is striking is the accumulation of the allergic reactions after a wasp was in this year, stitch, says the Frankfurter General practitioner Johanna Liebetrau: “compared to last summer, we treat stitches significantly more allergic reactions to the Wasp, the patient had a third Arm.” Of the allergic reactions of patients were affected, which would otherwise react never allergic to wasp stings. Where the accumulation of allergic reactions, according to Nabu, in fact, stay at the end of the wasp population comes, she can’t explain. The presumption of the General practitioner: The wasps are due to the acute water shortage in the summer of increasingly aggressive.

hatred fast essence is still unfounded, the biologist Orlov. Wasps are highly social, and it is precisely this feature inspires you: “Everyone is dedicated to the great Whole, to the last to sacrifice themselves. This is pronounced in people for a long time.“ The man always think first, and don’t see the global scale of problems, as is the case for the humanity relevant to climate protection. Their ecological value is also large: wasps kill smaller insects such as flies and mosquitoes and feed it to your offspring.