The latest relief package has just taken effect when Greens boss Lang announces further help. In their opinion, however, they should then be distributed in a more targeted manner, for example via higher Hartz IV rates. She also considers a continuation of the 9-euro ticket to be conceivable.

Green leader Ricarda Lang has announced further financial relief for citizens. However, compliance with the debt brake in 2023 is questionable. “There will be further relief,” said Lang of “Bild am Sonntag”. “The increased gas and electricity prices have not yet fully reached the people. But that will change by autumn and winter. We are talking about what further relief we have to bring on the way.” Lang also warned: “In the case of future relief, we clearly have to be even more targeted, for example by staggering grants socially.”

Of secondary importance for Lang is whether the debt brake can be complied with again in 2023. “The crucial question isn’t whether we suspend or comply with the debt brake at all costs, but whether we can meet the challenges of our time,” said Lang. “One thing is clear for us Greens: We will not save on social issues. Not on basic income, not on basic child security, not on the necessary relief for poorer households.” As proposed by Hubertus Heil, the Hartz IV rate must be raised by around 50 euros.

It refers to social peace. “If we save on social spending, more people may slide into poverty and lose trust in the state. That endangers the foundations of our democracy.”

The coalition partner FDP should not think much of Lang’s plans, Finance Minister Christian Lindner insists that the federal government once again comply with the debt brake suspended in the corona pandemic. The debt brake enshrined in the Basic Law only permits minimal borrowing. In recent years, it has been suspended due to the high burden of the corona pandemic and the Ukraine war. The recently approved federal budget for 2022 provides for new borrowing of almost 139 billion euros. Lindner intends to present the draft budget for 2023 shortly.

In the conversation, Lang also commented on the 9-euro ticket, which she considers possible to extend. “We are now investigating whether people are really switching from the car to the train because of the ticket. If that’s the case, we in the coalition absolutely have to talk about how we can build on this success,” said Lang of the “Bild am Sonntag”. . On the other hand, she rejects an extension of the tank discount introduced at the beginning of June in parallel with the 9-euro ticket. “The fuel discount is limited to three months and it should stay that way,” she said. There are “smarter measures” to support commuters.