A heavy earthquake occurred on Derindonesischen holiday island of Lombok. 39 people died in natural catastrophe, as a spokesman for Civil Protection Agency shared. Dozens of or people were injured. Previously, a spokesman for rescue forces had spoken of 19Toten and 52 injured.

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According to US ErdbebenwarteUSGS, earthquake had a strength of 7 on Richter scale. The Epizentrumdes was located 18 km northwest of Lombok in sea at a depth of ten kilometers. Dieindonesischen authorities issued a tsunami warning, but picked it up again after a short time.

Due to DerTsunami danger, authorities had asked people to remove mselves from sea. “Please go to a higher location”, SagteDwikorita Karnawati, head of Indonesian wear and Geophysikbehörde, a local TV station. According to Karnawati, two villages were flooded by centimeters of high water. A spokesman for Katastrophenschutzbehördeging also assumed that many buildings in Lombok’s capital Mataram had been damaged. The MeistenHäuser re were built with not particularly resistant material.

Many residents were frightened by earthquake. “Everyone ran away from ir homes, everyone panicked,” said a resident. In addition, as a result of earthquake, electricity ausgefallensein, so that airport of Lombok had to Geräumtwerden for half an hour.

Damage also on neighboring island of Bali

On neighbouring island of Bali, EsBehördensprechern also caused damage to buildings. According to Flughafenvon Bali ceiling panels would have been solved. In addition, a department store was damaged.

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Already a week ago, 50 kilometers of norast from Lombok’s capital Mataram an earthquake of magnitude 6.4 occurred, in which 17 people were killed. After first strike, re were two more strong quakes and more than a hundred aftershocks. Hundreds of buildings and a hospital were destroyed. In addition, 550 hikers had to be rescued from an active volcano, as earthquake gemachthatteed paths impassable. Among affected tourists were also Germans.

Lombok is known as neighboring Bali for beautiful beaches UndBerge and popular as a tourist destination. Due to location in Pacific “ring” with volcanoes and fault lines, region is always haunted by Wiedervon earthquakes.