
  • Page 1 — Spain’s dangerous summer
  • Page 2 — Spain has been taking refugee for a long time
  • Page 3 — no new Lampedusa
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    Shortly after Tangier ship’s siren sounds for first time. From n on it is heard every few minutes. The Ferry Jaume III, which commutes between port city in norrn Morocco and Algeciras in Spain, is driven into a thick smokescreen. Determines is only a few meters. “In such a wear or in Dunkelheitgehen we are safe,” says Jesús Márquez, one of stewards. “FallsPateras are nearby, you can dodge us. So far, Gutfunktioniert. We didn’t have a single accident. “

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    Paterasheißen small barges and inflatable boats in which people from Africa break up south coast of Spain. In last few weeks kamenmehrere thousand refugees crossed Strait of Gibraltar, on which also DieJaume III is wrong. With only about 14 kilometers, it is shortest link between continents of Africa and Europe. The ferry is on road with 32 knots and needs a good hour for crossing.

    For smaller boats, Strait of Gibraltar is dangerous. Not only, because it is one of most busy ship routes, to follow on DenenFähren and freighter closely in succession. They could easily crush unlit refugee barges or sink m in ir wake. Here, where Mediterranean and Atlantic meet, are also Strömungentückisch. And se days fog is added.

    The ferry alerts Coast Guard

    VorigeWoche, says Márquez, he and his colleagues from or ferries on DemKüstenabschnitt between Almería and Cádiz alone had crossed 17 Pateras. Manchmalmit around ten, sometimes with a lot more people on board. “We do not take dieFlüchtlinge ourselves, but Alert Coast Guard and Seenotrettungund give locations.”

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    Some of boats also reached coast by ir own power. Like that wooden boat mit60 young men on board, which landed just a few days west of surf and seaside resort Tarifa on beach – directly in front of stunned tourists who lay re in sand. The migrants disappeared in a hurriedly contiguous forest. Because y were filmed, DieBilder went around world.

    According to official information, around 24,000 refugees reached Spain until end of July, as many as in whole year 2017. According to International Organization for Migration (IOM) most of African crisis countries come from South DerSahara and from Morocco, Mali and Mauritania. In Federal Ministry Inberlin, it is feared that many migrants from Spain Machenkönnten to France, Benelux countries and Germany.

    At Diesemersten Weekend in August it remains for time being at alarm of ship siren. Derheiße East Wind Levante, who impassions sea, and fog walls above Straßevon Gibraltar also give Adolfo Serrano a breathing space. He is head of distress rescue in Spain’s sournmost city of Tarifa. But it’s probably just of Arat break, he knows from his more than 20 years of experience on Meer.In next few days wear situation should calm down again. Then crossing for migrants becomes easier again.

    » Aquarius «-Private rescue rescuers do not want to bring refugees to Libya » Aquarius «has expired again to rescue refugees from Mediterranean. However, private rescuers only want to drive safe ports in Europe. © Photo: Laurin Schmid/sos Mediterraneanee/DPA