
Labour Official Unveils Party’s Plan to Restore Freedom of Movement Post-Brexit

In a shocking revelation, a senior Labour figure has disclosed the party’s intention to reinstate freedom of movement, as reported by The Mail on Sunday. The move would involve reopening Brexit negotiations and prioritizing the restoration of freedom of movement. This announcement has sparked controversy, with senior Conservatives accusing Sir Keir Starmer of deceiving the public about Labour’s agenda.

Former Tory party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith criticized the plan, labeling it as a strategic approach to rejoining the European Union. Fiona Urquhart, the chairman of Labour International, disclosed plans to allocate an MP in Westminster for EU-based Britons if Labour wins the upcoming election. She acknowledged the party’s cautious stance on revealing its complete strategy, citing uncertainties about future challenges.

During an interview with a local newspaper in Mallorca, Urquhart hinted at revisiting Brexit agreements, such as the Windsor Agreement, to facilitate Britons’ mobility within Europe. She emphasized the significance of freedom of movement and proposed discussions on the Trade and Cooperation agreement in 2026. The Labour Party aims to enhance freedom of movement for British professionals and traders within the EU by potentially eliminating the 90-day rule and enhancing pensions for EU-residing Britons.

Although a Labour source denied the official endorsement of these proposals, Sir Iain underscored the party’s hidden pro-EU campaign. He warned that most Labour MPs would support the initiative post-election, leading to a covert re-entry into the EU. The interview with Urquhart has unveiled Labour’s concealed intentions, according to critics.

Former Brexit Secretary David Davis denounced the notion of exclusive free movement for Britons, branding it as misleading. He emphasized the likelihood of reverting to full free movement as a trade-off. Prime Minister Boris Johnson echoed similar concerns, cautioning against Labour’s covert Brexit strategy. He highlighted the absence of transparency in Labour’s Brexit plans, describing it as a significant challenge.

Urquhart defended Labour’s stance as the only party capable of resolving Brexit complexities and fostering closer EU relations. She proposed the provision of MPs for Britons residing overseas under a Labour government to address post-Brexit challenges. With overseas voters playing a crucial role in the upcoming election, Labour International’s campaign for expats to vote Labour has gained momentum.

Despite the controversy surrounding these revelations, Labour and Labour International have reiterated their commitment to the UK’s post-Brexit trajectory. While emphasizing improved post-Brexit deals, they clarified that policies regarding the single market, customs union, and freedom of movement remain unchanged. The statements aim to dispel concerns about Labour’s alleged pro-EU agenda, signaling a nuanced approach to post-Brexit negotiations.