How uncertain a Situation is, decides also to its readability. If double-take ambiguities out of hand and you can’t rely on the fact that you decrypted the terms properly, and the sense of a statement that is, of course, as he was meant to be, then the ground under their feet starts to become slippery. Feelings of uncertainty, of threat and of fear to take. This applies to the private but even more so for the public sector.

at the end of last week, the opinion article of a certain Eugene Robinson, appeared in the prestigious newspaper “The Washington Post”. The Journalist tells of his experiences as a young correspondent in Chile of the seventies, when the dictator Augusto Pinochet suppressed the protests against the extension of his term of office with violence. And it is mainly a scene, so Robinson, who reminded him today of the painful time in South America was that of Lafayette Square in Washington, namely. There broke on the evening of the last 2. June one hundred Federal police with rubber, tear gas, and clubs on a shot, a Demonstration. Around the White house were people gathered to protest against the death of George Floyd, an African-American family man from Minneapolis who was choked a few days earlier under the knee of a white police officer. The images of his agonizing death, had driven the people worldwide on the streets. However, although the Constitution of the United States guarantees the freedom of Assembly, although the people demonstrated peacefully and the evening curfew was still not arrived, granted the President the command to clear the gardens of Lafayette Square by force and beat a path over to the St. John’s Church. However, Trump had no intention, to be requested in these difficult times, by the Almighty assistance and peace for the torn Nation. No, he just needed a couple of effective propaganda images for the election campaign. And so you saw posing him a little later, a little awkward in front of this Church, which liked to lie on the Bible, he held, strangely enough, like a trophy. It had told him no one that the proper handling of books is to open and read.

The Pseudo-Pinochet and his Junta

in any case, it was this action that caused a stir in the whole country for horror, especially because Trump was accompanied by his chief of staff, who was wearing a battle suit. The commentators posed the question of whether the army would be in the case of the cases, loyal to the Constitution or to the President. Eugene Robinson called the President a “would-be Pinochet” and his Entourage as a “would-be Junta”.

You could take his article as just another voice in the choir of the outraged citizens for the knowledge – would not this set, this Latin Motto, with the Robinson of his analysis decides to maintain. Ultimately, did Pinochet, so as is, its displacement and the direction of the democratic Tradition, in spite of all the violence can not prevent. And finally: Sic semper tyrannis.

these are the last words of this article. Who had the Latin, it is allowed to enjoy the Service, is now become the indispensable supply of quality media. At least in the digital statement of the newspaper, the Phrase is highlighted in blue below. Who tap them with your Finger, the corresponding article in the Online ENCYCLOPAEDIA Wikipedia opens. There, one learns that this quote “was So mean about the tyrant!” and originally from the Roman Senator Marcus Junius Brutus, attributed to, one of the conspirators against Julius Caesar.

the Lincoln-killers language the set of

Who asks, now worried, what could have meant Eugene Robinson with the quote of the successful Tyrant, is empty swallowing, if he reads the article and learns that a certain John Wilkes Booth have paraphrased this saying para, and on that ill-fated April evening in the year of 1865, when he was shot in the Ford theatre of Washington, Abraham Lincoln, his character of the 16. The President of the United States of America.

Now you would understand in a different context this quote as a unique note, what is the fate of Donald Trump might expect, or even should. But Eugene Robinson has not entered as a violent Anarchist in appearance. And his newspaper is not a left extremist attack, “The Washington Post” is one of the most respected Newspapers in the world. Robinson as one of their publisher is, in addition, Pulitzer prize winner, was a member of the award Committee and Chairman of it was even. This man might be a critical citizen, but he is, without a doubt, a pillar of the society. It hardly seems conceivable that he used the reputation of his newspaper to Express encoded threats against the President. Or is it? That would be a violation of the law, and it would be in this heated Situation is extremely irresponsible. No, Eugene Robinson is not meant by the quote – but how did he mean it then? To research more, find out the bomber Timothy McVeigh is said to have worn during his assassination on the Federal office building in Oklahoma City in June 1995, a T-Shirt with this inscription. At that time, 168 people were killed. However, this McVeigh was an extremist, a right, which fits in with Robinson’s metaphor, as he positioned himself against racism. The puzzles are larger. After a while of futile exegesis of the article resigned to the side. You will not find out finally, what could be the meaning of the author.

It is far from the only example of the increasing confusion that has covered our societies, and it is certainly not an American phenomenon. You meet it everywhere, in German, in French and in Swiss publications. The ambivalences to take, you become more and more used tactically to confuse the audience, to statements, to keep open, to send the own trailers, encoded messages, which are understood only by themselves.

In the policy language games dangerous

It is the literature, which plays with the meaning of the blurring of the concepts, but in the public sphere, in the language of the policy, these language games have fatal consequences. With unclear terms, the reality is uncertain, and Vice versa. It is not only the brutalization of the language, which should worry us, it is their increasing incomprehensibility, both the cause and the Symptom of a society whose Cohesion with frightening speed dissolves.

Recently, it was realized the enemies, the dangers for the Western democracies, especially in their outer. Russia undermined the Public’s, China took over the economy, and Islamist terrorists spread with their attacks, a feeling of constant threat. Now, it is clear that the threat comes first from the inside and we the sick, especially to the internal contradictions. Although many parameters show in a positive direction, the absolute poverty has declined, life expectancy increases and infant mortality drops, people realize how little of the future is capable of the ruling system. The people despair, because they realize it lacks this System of internal coherence on the Match between ideology and reality.

Or, in other words: The concepts and reality rarely have anything at all to do with each other. So the free market economy is not free, and the equality is in our Constitution as a dead letter. The categorical imperative no longer applies. Mainly, there are two phenomena, which could further intensify and without interruption to the System obviously is not, or at least not fast enough can be solved are: social injustice and the destruction of natural resources.

the Only guarantor of security: the absolute ruler

In a bipolar world system could justify the West in order that he was, despite all the problems the guardian of freedom, the last bulwark against Soviet totalitarianism. This legitimacy has ceased to exist thirty years ago, but it has not managed until today to revitalize our democracies from the inside, new. In a world in which, under the pretext of competitiveness, the struggle of all against all has become the latest binding value, it is logical that many citizens demand of their government nothing more than peace and order. They believe in no other liability more, you have no other interest than their own Survival and expect their authority, what did Thomas Hobbes in his “Leviathan” under the impression of the civil war, from the absolutist rulers: the total domination as the only guarantor of peace and security. This is the promise to the lazy, the Trump gives his constituents. He will not be able to hold. Because rest is not the same as peace. This is the reason for the resistance that is stirring in the world. It is the revolt against the discrepancy between the words and the concepts, it is the rebellion against the latent civil war, the battle of Possession against the have-nots. The Power of the images of the assassination of George Floyd’s lies. Everyone understands and sees the injustice and recognize the racism: an African-American to participate in a fear of death after his mother’s screams, a White, the to him, kneels to him, the air of life. This picture needs no Interpretation. It stands for the world in which we live.