Metroägaren Christen Ager-Hanssen demands that Cristina Stenbeck shall be a witness

Since the Metro has gone bankrupt and been shut down, making the Ager–Hanssen is now the reality of his previous threats to sue Kinnevik, of course.

the lawsuit was filed to Stockholm district court on Thursday, reported see in action.

Transcripts of the meetings of the Express newspaper has been read 44 pages of the thick atmosphere. And out of the atmosphere is shown, among other things, that there is a verbatim transcript of the conversations that Christen Ager–Hanssen, had one of Metro’s key staff, and a variety of e-mail that the had found when he walked through the Metro server.

” We’ve gone through 50 000 e-mails, have Christen Ager–Hanssen, previously exposed to the Network.

In an interview with the Express newspaper, told the Christen Ager–Hanssen, of the intended mood, and a number of e-mails, which he believes to to prove that, in which Kinnevik is not only the price of Metro’s numbers, and that there is a corruption in the image.

” the Whole misery of the Metro, Kinnevik has caused, no-one else. The most pumped-up of the company, in order to be able to expand sales by 2016 by setting predatory prices, then manipulated, and the friserade the numbers and the budget in 2018, despite the fact that they knew that this was wrong. They had made a secret agreement with a former key personnel who would receive a performance-based payment of the purchase price of the 3.5 percent, ” said Christen Ager–Hanssen.
Requests, Cristina Stenbeck, into the box
In different ways Christen Ager–Hanssen, through his investment company Custos, both Within the majority owner of Cristina Stenbeck, who previously sat on the board of directors of Kinnevik, the company’s current chairman of the board Dame Amelia Fawcett will be called to testify in the case.
Cristina Stenbeck, investment Kinnevik’s major shareholder.Photo by: OLLE SPORRONG PRODUCTS
, Cristina Stenbeck, will, according to the documents, testifying that the only alternative to the break-up of the Metro was to be the ‘ sell Metro as the Metro’s actual situation, coming up to the surface.

, on the Same grounds relied upon in terms of why you would like to be Dame Amelia Fawcett, shall be heard in the district court.
Amelia Fawcett is a’s chairman of the board until 2018. She was a former vice-chairman of the board.Photo by: Kinnevik:
, A notification of alleged corruption, has also mejlats from the Custos for the Riksenheten corruption of the Prosecutor’s office.

“No, from the Custos called last week and warned that the man wanted to lodge a complaint,” says the chief prosecutor Kim Andrews.

this application is quite new, and haven’t had time to get dressed.

” We’re getting a look at it and see if there is any reason to suspect that there is bribery. There has to be something. Otherwise, it would be of little interest to us, ” says Kim Andrews.

Claims to Kinnevik’s chance
Christen Ager–Hanssen, bought a Metro, together with Mats Qviberg, by the Custos, and paid 50 million dollars for the company.

He claims in the writ that the Kinnevik for the sale, had the actions figures. Among other things, presented a budget with a surplus of eur 4.8 million. Instead, there was a loss of eur 6.1 million.

< Kravnotan from Ager–Hanssen,
According to Christen Ager–Hanssen, Kinnevik had a responsibility to Metro’s bottom line.

He was now close to 155 million, of which Kinnevik. The specifications of the kravnotan.

, the Purchase price is 50 million.

shareholders ‘ contribution of 35 million.

Custos extra costs of 40 million.

the Loss of a claim in bankruptcy is 670 000 sek per year.

(the Interest rate of 28.9 million kroner.

moreover, Kinnevik, to deny that they have done something wrong in the transaction.

”Feel completely safe”
Kinnevik seems to be taking the summons and of the complaint to the police in a hurry.

” I mean, this is an old allegation, which we have already responded to. So we’re quite comfortable with how the process went, and the Custos was to have full access to all the information, and the ability to carry out their own due diligence on the of the bed. He has now filed a lawsuit, it is a process, and the process to take its course, ” says Torun Litzén, director of Kinnevik at the Di.see the.

It is not clear when the Stockholm district court can be expected to take on the case on the bed.

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