Northern senator Martine Filleul, who leads a dissident list in the September 24 senatorial elections after being excluded from the PS list, has been excluded from the Socialist Party, she announced to AFP on Saturday.

“I was excluded during the last national office of the Socialist Party”, on September 12, said the elected official, confirming information from La Voix du Nord.

Candidate to be on Patrick Kanner’s list and continue her mandate as senator, Martine Filleul was ousted in favor of Audrey Linkenheld, first deputy mayor of Lille.

She then decided to lead her own list, “Alliance of Northern Territories”, on a “social-democratic line”.

Presenting herself as close to the positions defended by former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and the President of Occitanie Carole Delga, Martine Filleul defends “a left of government” and promises to “campaign until the last minute”.

If she were to be elected on September 24, she assures that she “has not yet made a decision on her membership in the socialist group” in the Senate.


16/09/2023 12:42:53 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP