the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) has is with his proposal to launch a study on violence against police officers create significant criticism in. “Of course, you could carry out further studies on the topic of violence against police officers,” said the interior policy spokesperson of the Greens group in the Bundestag, Irene Mihalic, F. A. Z. “there is such already, I don’t think the interior Minister is serious, and his proposal is nothing more than a smokescreen.”

Eckart Lohse

head of the Parliamentary office in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Mihalic the presumption,Seehofer follow more of the target expressed by the current debate about racism in the police to divert. A scientific study on the Attitudes of police officers, as well as possible anti-constitutional positions within the police could be turned into a substantive Debate and am therefore required by the Federal of German detective, said the Green party politician, who was himself a police officer. “The one issue off against the other only contributes to the further escalation. This is neither in the interest of the thing, nor in the interests of civil servants.“

Seehofer had proposed to prepare a study on violence against police officers, after he had rejected a study of the so-called Racial Profiling in the police. The Hesse trade Union of police (GdP) had expressed scepticism to the recent proposal of the Federal Minister of the interior. A study of the sociological backgrounds of Assault would be helpful, said GdP-country Manager Andreas Green of the German press Agency. “But now I think at the moment, not necessarily what we urgently need,” said Green with views of the Drohmail affair in Hesse, Germany and right-wing extremism and racism allegations against the police.

Lambrecht is on the study of”Racial Profiling”

Seehofer reiterated on Tuesday in the “Münchner Merkur” of his intention to leave violent Attacks against police officers systematically examine.Federal justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) is not turned against the proposal of the Minister of the interior. A spokesman for your Ministry reiterated but Lambrecht will be joined for a study on racism in the police. “A study of the European Commission against racism and intolerance recommends in your current 6. Report on Germany,” he said of the F. A. Z. “, The Federal Ministry of justice has, therefore, to initiate such a study.” Lambrecht had recently said there was a need for a “neutral state” on Racial Profiling in the police Department.