Left-Boss Katja Kipping demanded to take the Corona pandemic to the occasion for a nationwide introduction of a Four-day work week. As a start-up funding a new could serve to short-time working money, she told the daily newspaper “Rheinische Post”. A year company, which can shorten the working time should get a wage subsidy, explained Kipping. After that, there is a need for a collective agreement or a company agreement on a Four-day week or a maximum working time of 30 hours without further state Co-financing.

“The Four-day week makes Employees happier, healthier and more productive,” said Kipping. “Right now, in the Corona-crisis would be a good time to start.” If employees made fewer errors, more motivated and less likely to get sick are also benefited from the company of such a scheme. In addition, a Four-day week could provide for more equality, because couples rarely have to decide who will speak up for the children to be shorter, said the Left politician.

The left party, had spoken out previously on several occasions for a Four-day week.