Serbia’s government is looking economically to the West, and politically to the East. The former target of EU membership has abandoned them, since it is already unrealistic, and also the project of a lasting power of cohesion could be at risk. Thus, the assessments of many political scientists, diplomats, and other observers, on the situation in the Balkan state were to summarize, in this Sunday, a new Parliament is elected.

Michael Martens

a correspondent for Southeast European countries with headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

F. A. Z. Twitter

stand the result of the election, however, long before the closure of polling stations: The “Serbian progressive party” of President Aleksandar Vučić will win significantly. With their previous coalition partner, the Serbian Socialist party of foreign Minister Ivica Dačić, will provide you with a high probability of absolute, come-possibly even on a two-thirds majority in the future Parliament. According to some surveys, the permission for the “Progress is” even without your partner’s party for more than 60 percent.

part of the Opposition boycotted the election

this is Supported by the fact that a part of the Opposition boycotted the election on the ground that the circumstances were not given. It is noted that the power needed to be commander-in-chief the majority of the media is controlled, as well as state institutions and resources for the campaign miss. “The only way to choose not to Vučić, is not to choose at all,” is a Slogan.

The image belongs to, of course, that the Serbian Opposition gives a ride in their splitting, and the lack of human quality, a picture of dejection. Some, such as the former President of the UN General Assembly Vuk Jeremić, not try to outdo Vučić as the Serbian nationalists, in others, the promise of a fight against corruption to win the confidence of the electorate, because they themselves are regarded as corrupt. It falls to government easily, a such Opposition of dividing the.

in fact, the Serbian leadership – the first, second, and third, Vučić seems to have the former foreign policy with the cardinal objective of EU membership as unrealistic and abandoned. Power instead of ties to the West, the ideology is now. The American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, became famous for his Thesis of the “end of history”, spoke of these days in an Interview with the TV station “voice of America” “the growing authoritarian tendencies” in Serbia.

Fukuyama draws comparison to Orbán

“Unfortunately, has moved the country under President Vučić fairly steadily in an authoritarian direction,” said Fukuyama, and drew comparisons to the Hungary of Viktor Orbán. “In fact, we have probably reached already a point where the idea of EU membership is really impossible. Because the European Union is based on a community of values, and these are not supported by the current Regime in Belgrade, or illustrated.“