Chancellor Olaf Scholz promises to take a close look at fuel prices. However, he does not want to accept that the fuel discount does not reach the drivers. Changing the tax cut is out of the question.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees a partial effect of the controversial tank discount. A government spokesman said the chancellor’s assessment was that the tank rebate had a partial effect. It’s not that the tax cut didn’t do anything. It can be assumed that the prices at the petrol stations would be significantly higher if the tax reduction did not exist. There are no considerations to change or cancel the tank discount.

However, the federal government will take a very close look to see whether anyone is taking advantage of this situation and making profits that are not justified, the spokesman said. The Chancellery will take a close look at the proposals from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. At the beginning of June, the energy tax on fuel was reduced for a limited period of three months. However, there is criticism of the mineral oil companies because the fuel prices are clearly too high despite the tax cut.

Against this background, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck had announced that he wanted to tighten antitrust law. A spokeswoman said that proposals should be presented in the coming weeks. An amendment to antitrust law is planned for the coming year anyway, and this should be brought forward.

It’s not about being able to act in the short term. But the announcement of an amendment could also be a signal that could reach the market. According to Habeck’s plans, the Cartel Office should be given more opportunities to intervene, for example to be able to take tougher action against mineral oil companies.