With arrest of a Tunesiers in Cologne, according to President of Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, it is very likely that an attack with highly toxic substances has been prevented. Although evaluation has not yet been completed, Maaßen said to Rheinische Post. “However, it is very likely in overall view of evidence to date that a terrorist attack could be thwarted.”

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The 29-year-old Tunisian had been arrested on Tuesday in Cologne after a highly toxic ricin was discovered in his apartment. Special forces had stormed apartment that man inhabited toger with his wife and children. The wife of Tunesiers was also arrested at first, but now released again. According to spokesman of prosecutor’s office, this is not accused. On Thursday, 29-year arrest warrant was issued for suspicion of violation of War Weapons Control Act. He is refore strongly suspicious of “having produced biological weapons intentionally”. It is also determined against him because of initial suspicion of preparation of a severe state-threatening crime.

Maaßen reported that protection of Constitution had previously received clues that a Tunisian citizen residing in Cologne had tried to order potentially highly toxic substances, and had followed m with high priority. The newspaper furr reported, citing safety circles, that quantity found would have been sufficient for production of highly toxic ricin for 250 to a thousand toxic doses, depending on method of application also for more.