A summit of the European Union with the UK to bring on Monday a new momentum in the stalled talks on a trade agreement after the Brexit. At the video conference with the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson Commission, head of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the Parliament, David Sassoli take part for the EU. The experts had reached since March in four intense rounds of negotiations, almost no progress.

the United Kingdom was to leave at the end of January from the EU. In a transitional period until the end of the year, the country belongs to the EU single market and customs Union, so that in everyday life almost nothing has changed. No agreement on future relations, it could come at the beginning of 2021 to the hard economic break with tariffs and other trade barriers.

Johnson, is an officially unconfirmed report in the “Sunday Telegraph” ready in case of further stoppage of the negotiations by the year-end of a “No Deal Brexit” to accept. He wants to make in his talks clear on Monday that the UK could be in January, an independent trading nation, “no matter whatever happens” in the negotiations with Brussels.