The gates to the Taj to stay Mahal due to the Corona-crisis closed longer than planned. The re-opening of the tomb, which was planned for Monday, was postponed due to the rising Infection. The Opening up of the tourist attraction in the Northern Indian city of Agra is not currently “in the interest of the Public,” it said in a communication to the authorities. For India, this is a setback, since it is also a Signal would have been that a little normality is again possible. In order to bring the economy back in gear, the government has started in Delhi, which, according to the 24. To loosen March taken Covid-19-measures.

Till Fähnders

Political correspondent for Southeast Asia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

But the “Unlock” has led to a strong increase of the registered daily new infections. On Sunday, the country had achieved almost 25,000 new infections a record. On Monday, more than 23,000 came once again. India is on place three in the Negative ranking of the countries with the most Infected in front of Russia. According to the Johns Hopkins University, India reported on Monday more than 697.000 cases. Only the United States with more than 2.8 million, and Brazil with 1.6 million have been reported since the beginning of the pandemic more infections.

Such “rankings” are to be treated with caution, depend by many factors, including the question of how many people are tested. The opposition politician Rahul Gandhi criticised the government of Prime Minister Narendra modi for their reaction to the Corona-crisis. You had to Fail a future case study for the Harvard Business School on the topic of “there,” he wrote on Twitter. India has Infected, according to the official Figures in comparison to the total population of 1.3 billion people is still less Corona than many other countries. Also, the death rate is comparatively low.

beds out of cardboard

But the under-developed health system, encountered in many areas long ago the limits of its resilience. There is a lack of beds, personnel, and protective clothing. In the last week of the death of a man caused a sensation, has been rejected in the city of Bangalore, of several hospitals, and finally on the stairs of a hospital, dead of was broken. His family, according to 18 who had visited hospitals in person and 32 hospitals contacted by telephone. The 53-year-old man had complained of fever and shortness of breath. He was tested after his death, a positive effect on the Virus.

In Delhi, which had become a Hotspot in the Corona-crisis, the government increased the capacity for Covid-19-patients now much. So a Notlazarett was opened on the grounds of the Ashrams, to provide space for a total of 10,000 patients. For cost and hygiene reasons, there is extra to this purpose, beds made of cardboard were placed. The device is intended for patients with mild symptoms. Also, Hotels and stationary railway wagons to be converted to hospital wards. Also, the relatively low testing rate is slowly increased.

Currently, more than 2000 new infections per day in Delhi still. These are high Numbers, even if somewhat less dramatic, as about two weeks ago. And so also the largest Covid-19-the crematorium in the capital reported that the number of the delivered corpses, there is a much going back. The cremation facility was in the meantime been so overloaded that additional crematoria had to be used. The government maintains even in spite of the increasing Numbers of the relaxations. Meanwhile, not only factories, shops, hair salons and Fitness Center open again. During the intra-India air traffic is up and running again, with limited international flights more.

Also in the South, the infection numbers are increasing sharply

The Region with most of Coronavirus cases is still in Maharashtra, with the mega city of Bombay. Also the North Indian States recorded more numbers of high Infection. In the past few days, rose but also especially in the South Indian States of Tamil Nadhu, Telangana, Karnataka and Andhra the Infection Pradesh is worrying. These regions more than a quarter of the cases now. It is also the only countries in which the cases are rising faster than the national average are currently. Only the South Indian state of Kerala is currently affected less. The government had been praised for their decisive action against the pandemic in many cases. With only 24 dead Kerala has the lowest number of deaths of all Indian States. But even there, the infection moves to happen now slowly.