In the debate about the finding of a rope in the Garage of a racing driver Bubba Wallace has now also America’s President Donald Trump and an apology from the Nascar driver’s calls. “Has stood Bubba Wallace apologised to all the great Nascar drivers and the Official who came to his aid, to his side and were willing to sacrifice everything to then find out that the whole thing was just another joke?”, he tweeted on Monday.

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The only black racer in the especially in the southern States of the United States popular Motorsport series test expressed according to trump’s Tweet. Without directly on the comment to respond, he wrote to “the next Generation, and the Small”: “love over hate, every day. Love should be something natural, because hatred is taught. Even if it is hatred of the Potus. Love wins.“ Potus is an abbreviation for President of the United States.

two weeks Ago, was found in the Garage of the only black driver in the Nascar racing series, Bubba Wallace, a rope was shaped into a loop. The Fund was initially seen as a racist attack on the 26-year-old racer. The complete paddock and the Crews had gathered, then before the race, behind the Wallace car, in order to set a sign against racism. The FBI denied now, however, a hate crime. Investigations were, therefore, to the conclusion that it was the rope to a garage door rope that was shaped like a noose and in the fall of 2019 attached to had been. At the time, no one was able to know that the Wallace Team was two weeks ago, this Garage-assigned.

Shortly afterward, released Nascar a photo of the knits. Wallace himself insisted on the original assessment that it was a noose. Trump wrote in his Tweet that this is the case, and the “flags-decision” would have led to the lowest ratings ever for the series. American racing is popular especially among whites, in the South of the United States living spectators of the middle class.