Joe Biden was able to avoid the corona virus for more than two years, but now he is getting infected. The US President is optimistic, and probably has good reason for it. The 79-year-old is being treated with Paxlovid, the drug that the German Minister of Health also wants to use more intensively in this country.

US President Joe Biden has to temporarily do his business from home. The 79-year-old tested positive for the corona virus on Thursday and is now in isolation, according to the White House. His spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre assured that he could carry out his duties in full from the seat of government. Biden himself was optimistic in a video statement on Thursday afternoon (local time): “I’m fine. I’m doing a lot of work and will continue to do it.”

The 79-year-old had tested positive on Thursday morning. The White House said he initially had “very mild symptoms” and started taking the Covid 19 drug Paxlovid. He wanted to take part in the planned meetings by telephone and video link from his living quarters in the White House. His doctor, Kevin O’Connor, said Biden’s symptoms included runny nose, tiredness and an occasional dry cough.

Biden made it through the pandemic unscathed for more than two years. The Democrat is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus and has received two booster shots, according to the White House. In the past few months, however, there have been numerous corona infections in his government and those around him – including among those who have been vaccinated.

Biden is one of the risk groups because of his old age. Should the President at any time be unable to perform his duties or even die due to the infection, Vice President Kamala Harris would have to step in. According to Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, who is currently visiting the USA, the US President should survive his infection well. “He’s been vaccinated four times, he gets the right medication straight away. It can therefore be assumed that he will recover without any problems,” said the SPD politician in Washington. The US President took all measures “exemplarily”.

Lauterbach expressed the hope that in the future in Germany, too, Paxlovid will be used more for corona infections. “The quick administration of the drug Paxlovid to the infected is now working very well here,” said Lauterbach about the use of the drug in the United States. “It’s something we need to get right because it would save a lot of lives.”

It is not yet known which virus variant Biden is, said the White House Corona Coordinator, Ashish Jha, at a press conference. Biden’s corona test is now being sent to the laboratory for sequencing. The fact that Biden was vaccinated and started taking Paxlovid drastically reduced the risk of serious illness. For reasons of transparency, the White House will report daily on the President’s health.

In the past few months, there have been numerous corona cases among prominent politicians in the US capital Washington. After an event in early April, more than 60 participants tested positive for the virus, as US media reported at the time, citing the organizers. Among them were Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, several members of Congress and several White House staffers.