Despite its tiny size, this parasite quickly becomes a real scourge for your little companion. This insect reproduces at high speed, quickly invading every corner of your home. Do not wait to treat “Médor” otherwise his life and yours at the same time, will quickly become a real ordeal, but how to go about it?

External parasite of the dog, each year, the flea reappears in our homes, especially in the spring when the good weather arrives. This is where the eggs hatch and the infernal cycle begins. The flea reproduces and finds on our poor friend, very warm, in the hollow of his coat, the best host. They cause itching, even painful lesions due to an allergy, transforming his peaceful life into hell. We must act quickly.

There are different treatments to fight against fleas, you will find them in the form of sprays, pipettes or tablets. The main thing is to treat your animal regularly and especially not to wait until it is infested. Also treat its environment, cushions, floors, all these places conducive to the proliferation of the insect. Especially since by using these products you are also treating your companion against ticks, another parasite which is sometimes a carrier of serious illnesses in certain regions.