Left-boss Bernd Riexinger has spoken out to alleviate the consequences of the Corona-crisis for a capital levy. “The Federal government makes the narrative: We have brought the country safely through the crisis, and the people. That is simply not true. We have a social imbalance,” said Riexinger on Sunday in the summer interview for the ARD”report from Berlin”. For example, the acquisition would get loose no protection at all. The average earnings would have to often take with 60 percent of short-time work money do.

“It should now be for the first Time, so that in a great crisis, not of the pensioners, and the pensioners, not the acquisition and not the employees pay, but the benefits of the last few decades, accumulated huge assets have been loose,” said the 64-Year-old, who considers it as an error, at the strategy conference in Kassel, Germany, “to be a little flippant” occurred been. Riexinger had commented on a speech made by one Participant, who spoke of “after the Revolution” had to have”one percent of the Rich shot”. Riexinger had then replied:”We won’t shoot you, but they can be used for useful work.”

Riexinger assured that the party had no hatred of the Rich, they would not accept it, rather, that the gap between poor and rich is gone even farther apart. “The front of the Corona-crisis, the Richest even richer have become, while now many have great social needs, barely make ends meet,” said the Left-in-chief, was not correct. “We stand for distributive justice. There are so a lot of to invest. In education, in health care, we have a care crisis in us. And because those who do not know must do, what to do with the wealth, a larger contribution to the financing of the common good.“