You realize that the people are eager for the theatre,“ says Thorsten Morawietz, head of the Frankfurt theatre group Dramatic stage. Three months, the Ensemble because of the Corona had to pause the pandemic. Now the theatre group has returned to the stage and, like every summer, her Repertoire in the green castle Park.

Also in Theater apply the usual rules of hygiene: the indication of the own data at the input and the mask duty. The covering may take the visitors only if they have taken place. The chairs in the audience in pairs and with a safety distance is established. Also, the menu has changed: Instead of open beverages, such as wine, tea or coffee drinks in bottles. Not be opened also from the helpers; the fence bottle openers are attached. On the sale of pretzels and sausages this year is omitted – instead, there are pre-packaged nuts and gummy bears.

a distance on the stage and in the audience

Besides the venue, the performances themselves had to be changed. The eleven-member Ensemble had to zoom in on the stage, the actor can comply, during the performance of the safety distance, said Morawietz. In addition, you have some scenes to rewrite, in which it come to physical contact. Physicality is very important in acting, says Morawietz. Many fellow actors have feared, therefore, that the presentations would suffer under the distance requirement. In the meantime, had become accustomed to the change, he says. Kicks, punches and scuffles are indicated on the stage only. There are also kissing scenes are banned, has thought about the theatre group’s other ways to show Affection: Kiss will just says from the distance, Morawietz. In a piece of masks are mounted. The prohibition was not, however, tragic. “Since most of the kiss scenes were with me, found the actors not so bad,” jokes Morawietz in a speech in front of the piece.

two weeks Ago, the Dramatic stage has started playing again. The demand for Tickets has been high, says Morawietz. However, only 250 people on the ground in the Park are likely to, in accordance with the land regulation currently. Many ideas had been sold out, some visitors would have had to be sent to the box office home. The have it in all the twenty years since the theatrical group plays in the Park, not given, says Morawietz. However, despite the high demand, the theatre group was under financial pressure, because the hygiene regulations are pushing up the costs for the Theater in the height, they require additional toilets, disinfection of the donor and the helper.

a Lot of financial and material assistance for the stage

The health Department will decide what will happen with the Theater, if you could follow back a Corona infection on a trip to the theatre in the green castle Park, says Morawietz more. A closure should, therefore, be excluded, which would increase the financial Distress. Although the theatre group Corona-I immediately received aid, had become the location for the actor in the last few months, precarious. The Marlene room, which has been playing seven years in the case of the Dramatic stage says. Many of your colleagues who are professional actors, they had to apply during the lock downs Hartz IV. Also, you have the basic fuse.

The Dramatic stage, but in the past few months, a lot of financial and material support, says Morawietz. Fans of the Dramatic stage donated via Facebook and the Website of the ensemble. A total of several thousand euros had come together, says Morawietz. The names of the supporters are to be seen on a poster hanging on the grounds.