The Spanish authorities have started to deport 116 migrants from exclave of Ceuta to Morocco. The Policia Nacional has started a corresponding operation, reports daily El País. The “exceptional” procedure was based on an agreement between Spain and Morocco dating from year 1992. The treaty foresees withdrawal of third-country learners who are illegally crossing Spanish borders from Moroccan territory.

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On Wednesday, migrants had overcome six-metre high double border fence in a renewed mass rush. Thus y reached Spanish territory of North Africa-exclave Ceuta. Because of Muslim sacrifice, at that time fewer Moroccan security forces were traveling in region than usual, it was said.

In total, 300 migrants tried to storm fence, but many did not succeed, said spokesman of government. Seven police officers were injured in trying to fend off migrants. However, only one of m was so badly injured that he had to be treated in hospital. The refugees attacked officials, among or things, with burnt lime, which causes dangerous burns when contacting skin.

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El País reports, relying on an official, that people would have cut through scissors sections of fence. “Some have climbed over fence, ors have risen.” The migrants were “violent and aggressive”. Five of m suffered cuts.

Spain has two exclaves in North Africa, both of which are claimed by Morocco: Ceuta, on Strait of Gibraltar, and 250 km furr east of Melilla. Already on July 26th, more than 600 refugees were able to reach Ceuta. Four civil servants of Guardia Civil had to be treated after migrants had also used burnt lime and flame thrower.

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Ever since new Italian government sealed off migrants and rescue ships, more and more people are trying to get to Spain via Morocco. For years government in Madrid has secured itself with a border fence against migrants, border with Ceuta is orwise well guarded by both sides. This is because Spain is working intensively with government in Rabat. To date, it is not known to what extent and in what amount Spanish government pays money in return or brings goods to Morocco.

According to El País, nothing has been known about agreement of year 1992.