The Supreme Court won’t review Bill Cosby’s sexual assault case. Instead, it will uphold a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that overturned Cosby’s 2018 conviction for indecent assault and released him from prison in July.

Monday’s decision by the high court was not to grant prosecutors a hearing and reinstate the conviction.

Andrew Wyatt, Bill Cosby’s spokesperson, called it “a victory.”

He said, “On behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Cosby, and the Cosby Family, we would like express our sincere gratitude for the United States Supreme Court’s following the rules of legality and protecting the Constitutional Rights of ALL American Citizens of this United States.”

“This is a great victory for Mr. Cosby, but it also shows that cheating won’t get you very far in life. The corruption within the Montgomery County District Attorney Office has been brought to center stage. He said, “Thank you very much.”

Cosby was convicted of three felonies of aggravated sexual assault in 2018. He had been accused of drugging and attacking Andrea Constand in 2004.

His sentence of three to ten years had been completed when his conviction was overturned for violating his due processes rights. In return for his testimony, a former Montgomery County district attorney stated that he would not pursue Cosby in 2005. But, that testimony was used later against him in trial.

The conviction of Cosby (now 84) was one of the major milestones in the #MeToo movement. This was when women first came forward to claim unwanted sexual advances and harassment at work, especially against powerful men.

Cosby tweeted his support for his innocence after he was released from prison.

“I have not changed my stance or my story. I have always maintained innocence. I am grateful to my supporters, friends and fans who supported me throughout this difficult time. He expressed his gratitude to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for upholding law and justice.”

Dolores M. Troiani’s and Bebe H.Kivitz, Constand’s attorneys, stated in a statement that “This is an unfortunate outcome, especially for survivors of sexual assault.”

“The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision is binding on other courts, based only on an early press release from a prosecutor announcing the declination in prosecution at that time (before evidence to proceed with the case is developed and vetted), but also assumes that there was a valid agreement to not prosecute, which was fiercely disputed during the Habeas proceedings and declared null by the trial judge,” the statement continued.

Gloria Allred, 33 Cosby accuseders’ lawyer, stated in a statement that she was “not surprised” at the Supreme Court’s decision.

“While many accusers will be disappointed that Cosby’s decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will stand, and that Cosby won’t be sent back into prison in that case,” said the attorney, noting that Cosby’s civil trial is scheduled to begin in May at Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Judy Huth filed the lawsuit against Cosby, alleging that he had sexually assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion in 1974 when she was 15. Cosby’s lawyers had previously replied to the claim as an attempt to extort him.

Allred stated that, “Mr. Cosby won’t testify at our civil case but our case will still go on and our brave client will testify.” “We are looking forward to our client finally getting her day in court, and being granted all her rights in a California court. “The journey to justice continues.”

Lisa Bloom, the attorney representing three Cosby accuseds, stated in a statement that “Today’s ruling says more about how our legal system can’t deliver justice to victims than about Bill Cosby who hasn’t been exonerated, and never will be.”

Bloom said that Cosby was freed because a friend prosecutor didn’t have the courage to bring him up years ago. “Courts’ decisions not to honor that promise do not negate the painful truth of his many accusations’ stories, which will forever be his ugly legacy.”

Kevin R. Steele, Montgomery County District Attorney, said Monday that he appealed his decision. However, there was only a very small chance that the High Court would hear the case. We appreciate the Court’s consideration.

Steele stated, “My appreciation also goes out to Andrea Constand.” All crime victims deserve to have their voices heard, be treated with respect, and support them through their day in court. She is my best friend and I wish her all the best in her future endeavors.”