Much has been argued about the Swiss-Covid-App will be warned, who is in contact with a Corona-Infected. The Parliament has passed a law basis, which is now ready Essentially. Some of the adjustments the Soviets made to, for example, Free-testing, if you get a warning through the App. And: If the App does what it promises to, it should be abolished.

as soon As the Parliament for the final vote of 19. June gave the final green light, will also be available to the regulation, such as Sang-Il Kim from the Federal office for health (BAG) says. “It is planned that it will occur on the same day,” says Kim. In stone the date is not carved. “Possibly there will also be the next day.” But then the much-discussed App will be introduced finally.

, No warning in the test phase,

so Far, the test version of the App has been downloaded according to Kim, around 60’000 Times. Be warned however, for the time being only, who belongs to the selected test group from the administration, the military and health personnel. An Experiment on a living object, it is not: so Far, nobody has been warned by App – because no-one from the test group with the Coronavirus infected. Only one case was of a military barracks known as Kim, you go now to the question of whether the Person using the App.

“in view of the low infection figures it was always unlikely to have within the test group positive cases,” says Kim. However, this had not been the aim of the test phase. Instead, return would be messages to user-friendliness and technical teething problems with the focus. “We have eliminated several errors successfully.”

the Corona works-App

DP3T is one of the EPFL and the ETH Zurich initiated the App, which should help to get the Corona pandemic in the handle. So the App works: Ill a Person Covid-19, get it from your doctor, and a Code that you are typing. In the result, all users of the App can be warned that have been in the last two weeks in the vicinity of the infected Person and asked to go into quarantine, or to see a doctor. In the centre of the project of privacy is: The individual transaction data are stored locally on the Smartphone and should be protected against abuse. The App is ready to use – but because the Parliament has decided last week that an application for a change in the law was needed, is a large-scale use is currently not yet possible.