At the end of the note seemed to be the heads of the state chancelleries and Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) is important, that by their agreement, not so much the change. Again and again, in the four-page paper, the round agreed in a switching of a conference on the controversial departure barrier, from the decision of the Chancellor and the Prime Minister of 6.May the speech. At that time the Federation and the Länder as a hedge of the Corona had agreed relaxations to a common mechanism, to be able to respond quickly to local outbreaks respond.

Alexander Haneke

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

Since then, the threshold value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week of the bar to which all eyes in the pandemic fight. If the value is exceeded in a district, should be adopted by the countries for more stringent measures to a regional Lockdown.

Since Thursday, their tool box is yet another measure adds: “restrictions not required mobility in the most affected areas and out of them.” Those exit barrier so, about the fighting in recent days, in part violently, even if under a different name.

proven stage model

In practice, change little. The Federation and the Länder will confirm in its decision, the proven stepped approach. There is an outbreak of a specific Cluster of narrow, i.e., about a company, a Church group or a family, to be taken the tried-and-tested measures, quarantine, contact tracing and testing quickly and “continuously observed and analysed”.

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test there Should be evidence that infections have already spread out of the Cluster, the number of new infections in the 50-exceeds, or is simply still “relevant uncertainty” about the actual spread, comes the next level consider: the mitigation measures to further Cluster or particularly affected areas should be extended – such as the Lockdown in the districts of Gütersloh and Warendorf, as there in view of the extremely high infection work of Tönnies figures in the flesh initially unclear was how far the Virus in the rest of the population had spread.

The third, and now newly formulated stage is to be taken according to the decision “at the latest”, when the infection numbers continue to rise, and there is no certainty that the infection chains were interrupted: the limitations of the “non-required mobility”. The critical interjections of the last days, that hardly an entire district on lockdown, lasse, met the paper with some specifications: The measures are targeted and “depending on the local conditions” as locally as possible to the actual affected areas are limited.

in Order to keep the period of limitations as short as possible, to the Federal government and the affected country to help in the rapid testing and contact tracing. Only last week the higher administrative court of Münster had emphasized in his decision to Lockdown in the district of Gütersloh, that all the restrictions should be as short and as small pieces as possible, in order to keep the intervention in the fundamental rights of the citizens as low as possible.