the Company Safeture in Lund, sweden, has created a service that enables a success – an app that makes it possible for the company to know which of their employees have been in the corona of the affected areas.

In just a few days, Safeture noticed an increase of 200 per cent in the use of their säkerhetsapp.

“At last, we tested the service, and for the first time with one of our clients, and found that 716 out of their 12 726 employees were in the areas with a high level of risk,” says Magnus Hultman, ceo of the Safeture.

Magnus Hultman, ceo of the company, Safeture in the network.Photo by: Picture / Safeture a Growing concern
the Service was developed after the company noticed that many customers are concerned about the spread of the virus.

” It was quite easy, since we already have access to the employee’s location and their resebokningssystem to warn you if, for example, earthquakes, floods or terrorist attacks.

for more than a decade, Safeture selling security services to their customers. Now, they make it possible for customers to keep track of where they are employed has been up to and where they plan to go.

“The good thing about this service is that our clients are able to take the proper precaution, on the basis of the information that they receive through the app,” says Magnus Hultman.
In this app, employees can be alerted on the progress of the virus.Photo by: Screenshot: ”Reduction of fear”
Magnus Hultman, think that app is able to reduce the concern of the corona.

” the perception of the risk of the coronavirus that are higher than the actual, and many people over-reacted. Our solution allows to present the real facts and to reduce the fear factor in the business, ” he said.

The security of the companies that have access to this information through the app, and a website.

“the privacy of citizens than in the things that we constantly are debating, but what the companies are doing with the data is their own responsibility, and not our out of the box”, says Magnus Hultman.

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