The American police in St. Louis the house of the couple that has threatened a few weeks ago, a protest walk from your property with firearms. As the news Agency Reuters reported, had showed up the officials on Friday evening with a search warrant at the couple. Then, the Couple have handed the police officer a semi-automatic rifle, caliber .223 – seems to be the same weapon, to see with the Mark McCloskey during the Protestzugs the end of June on video recordings.

In the case of a Protest against racism and police violence were at 28. June, about 500 demonstrators over a private road to the house of the McCloskeys pulled over. The couple felt according to the company, the number of protesters was so threatened that both of them had feared for her life. On a Video that was disseminated, among other things, the American President Donald Trump, is to see how the couple with a rifle and a pistol come armed out of the house. In the connection it comes to word battles between the McCloskeys and the demonstrators – at one point, Patricia McCloskey aimed their gun at the protesters.

CNN Mark McCloskey after the incident, said: “A Mob of at least 100 people crashed through the historically crafted iron gates of Portland Place, broke it, and came up to my house, where my family fear straight in the Free to evening ate and left us to our way of life.” About your lawyer, let the couple also say that they supported the message of the protesters, her property would, however, be defended under the law.

The police had initiated after the incident investigation. The district attorney of St. Louis, Kim Gardner, said a day after the incident: “We will not tolerate it when people are threatened, exercising their right under the first amendment.” The “First Amendment” governs in the United States, freedom of Religion, speech and freedom of the press, and the right to assemble peacefully.