America President Donald Trump rejects masks in the Corona-crisis for themselves, actually – now he has taken during a visit to a military hospital, a mouth-nose protection. On television pictures was to see how Trump wore on in the Walter Reed hospital in Bethesda in Washington, a blue mask with the seal of the President. According to the White house Trump wanted to meet in the hospital wounded soldiers and their families. He wanted to come along also with medical staff in the Corona-crisis Sick care.

Trump told journalists on the lawn of the White house before the short helicopter flight to Bethesda to a question: “I’ll probably wear a mask if you need to know.” He added: “I think it’s great to wear a mask. I was never against masks, but I think there is a time and a place for it.“ In the hospital, where some of the Wounded had just been operated on, was attached to a mask.

criticism of trump’s behavior

Trump had announced in April guidelines of the health authority CDC, according to which the Wearing of a mouth, nose and is recommended for protection. He had, however, made it immediately clear that he would himself wear a mask. Trump and the White house to justify the that the President will regularly be tested for the Coronavirus. Trump is still accused, by his appearance without a mask is a bad example in the ongoing pandemic to make.

the images from The Walter Reed hospital are not the first, in which Trump is wearing a mask. In the case of a factory visit in the state of Michigan in may, Trump had worn in one part of the tour, a mask, and had been photographed.