As the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine approaches, thousands of civilians have already died. And Kiev’s Mayor Klitschko fears new attacks on the Ukrainian capital. However, he is firmly convinced that the Moscow armed forces will fail.

Kiev’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko sees the danger that Russian troops will attack the capital again. At the same time, however, he expects that they will fail. “Kiev is the heart of Ukraine, Kiev was and remains a target of Russia, the Russians and Putin,” said Klitschko. The 51-year-old accused Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin of wanting to take more and more areas. “I don’t think Russia will win.”

Last year, Russian troops were already in the suburbs and outskirts of Kiev, but then withdrew. There is now a broad coalition helping Ukraine to defend the country. Nobody needs to be convinced anymore, said Klitschko. “This is a war of terror because the Russian methods are terrorist methods.”

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. On the anniversary of the war this Friday, Klitschko also wants to commemorate the many dead. “Parents have lost their children, children have lost their parents and are left orphans,” he said.

At least 8,000 civilians have died in the war so far, according to the UN. Ukraine does not provide any information on the current number of soldiers killed. “There are thousands and thousands. It’s a huge number,” said Klitschko, who as mayor is also responsible for the city’s funeral system. “We have to remember the people who paid the greatest price for our independence. We must never forget these people. Good people. Many of my acquaintances have already died,” said Klitschko.