MejlaDaniel Swedin+ FÖLJÅSIKTUtan the principle of solidarity is that we are only avskumVanligt people appear out of nowhere and Swedish leader board. is the independence of the director.Photograph: Fredrik Sandberg/TTTvå nursing assistants in a nursing home in new orleans.The LEADERS of the Skid row – “18 and life”. The path Sjödins poems. Dario fo’s “We won’t pay! We will not pay!”. Per-Anders Fogelströms the City family, “the Mother of poisons by the, Moa Martinsson and Siliva Avallones “Steel”. & nbsp;
When I was a few days ago, and my friends are on Facebook is to provide information about their favoritskildring of the working class, where some of the ideas that came up. & nbsp;
a Few things occurred to me.

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Almost all of the tips concerning literature, music, and films that were created between the end of the war in the late 1980s. Almost all of the authors on the works stendöda. None of the advice given, I believe, came from someone who, today, belong to the working class. It is the final say, perhaps, a little too much for my social life to this day. & nbsp;
From this point of view was, in any case, a tip-out: the Magazine of Kommunalarbetarens novellbok “this is not in the bank. It is the nurses, bus drivers, assistants, nannies, and mattanter, who writes about his life in Sweden, on the way to the 2020s.

< a href=”_2ZkCB, and It is clear that there are many examples of the contemporary culture, springing up from the working people of this reality, but it’s not so desperately often, in the utter of him. & nbsp;
“Without solidarity, and education, we are just scum of the earth. This is the lesson that the trade union movement and the socialist workers ‘ party (taught working-class children,” the author, Paul Mason wrote. And, perhaps, to have played an important role in klassreseideologi had its price.

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the idea is that our children will be wealthier and better educated than we have ever been to, and the kids must climb to the top of the samhällsstegen, so, of course, arbetarklasstillhörigheten will be something you’ll pass by a passage on the way to something else.

Meanwhile, of politics, and the business world in the decades to come – however, the decades in which the trade union movement and the socialist and social democratic parties have lost members, who preached flexibility, and a willingness to change. To get caught up somewhere, anywhere, to become standing, to seek security in work and in daily life is just too much mossigt. It gave people a sense of belonging and self-worth, on the basis of where they worked and lived are described as anachronistic in the face of the world.

After traditional arbetarklassarbeten lost, made unsafe, or been reduced to the status of no interest to stand up for the people who had to pay the price. It is, of course, have also influenced the working class culture, and the culture that portrays the working-class. The common people are not represented anywhere, either in politics, the media, or the culture of the company. And the pop-up, it is almost always a worthless wreck that is the establishment, may be despised or taken for granted. & nbsp;
how not Kommunalarbetarens collection of short stories. The short stories depict everything from the way in which they are applicable in the home, what it’s like to take care of a death of a young boy and sitting next to an old man that shall die, and how it is to feel inadequate, in order that the children in the nursery are too large.

This is a book whose message, in the meantime: concerning the human rights, the importance of a sense of solidarity, and education.