MejlaFacebookTwitterLedarredaktionen+ FÖLJÅSIKTChatta by Ann-Sofie HermanssonPodcast: he argues That the question of Some leader board. is the independence of the director.Photo credit: Bjorn Larsson Rosvall/TT, Aftonbladet, the leader meets with Ann-Sofie Hermansson, in the podcast It is an ideological issue. The LEADER It’s time for a new episode of the podcast of The humanist subject. This week, meet the Aftonbladet, a leader of the sons of the previous S-top in Göteborg, sweden, Ann-Sofie Hermansson.

< a href=”(c)-Cz1″ data-test-tag=”@spp-ui-lead-text”> It’s the last episode of The ideology, the question of the Aida Hadzialic, you will find it here.

< a href=”_2ZkCB”> You, the reader, will be able to chat with Ann-Sofie Hermansson, on Thursday at 12:00 pm in the evening daily see the manager.

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But as of now, you can ask your questions in the chat below, click on the ”Write a post”.

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< a href=”_2ZkCB”> Welcome!!! Downloading the Live Experience of the avLedarredaktionen this ARTICLE IS OMAnn-Sofie Hermansson,+ FOLLOW