Vice-Chancellor and SPD Chancellor candidate, Olaf Scholz, called for the withdrawal of the Belarusian President Alexandr Lukashenka. “This is a worse dictator,” said Scholz on Sunday night He was, as well as the demonstrators in Minsk, for a retreat Lukaschenkas. “I believe that anyone that works in this way with his people, any legitimacy for the government of the country has lost.” The decision had to meet with Belarus itself. The possibility that the EU had here, was that it “was decided in the case”.

“Lukashenka has no longer a majority in his people. And if it is only in accordance with democratic rules, then it will not be long in office,“ said Scholz. However, it is the rulers, the reign with brutal violence, not following democratic rules. We must now ensure that the strength and the courage of the protesters could also lead to changes. The EU needs to be determined “and the clear”.

Macron calls for EU support for protesters

the French President Emmanuel Macron, the European Union called for support for the peaceful demonstrations. “The EU must continue to advocate for the hundreds of thousands of Belarusians protesting peacefully for the respect of their rights, freedom and sovereignty,” wrote Macron on Twitter.

In the capital of Minsk protested, according to estimates by the Reuters news Agency on Sunday, around 200,000 people are against Lukashenka. With the election a week ago, he had declared by a large margin for the winner. The Opposition spoke of fraud and responded with demonstrations against the security forces, part brutal offenders.