Preparations to host the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games are taking shape, seventy days before the start of the competitions. In addition to the inaugurations of sports and urban facilities, there are now lane closures and the first traffic restrictions. As of Friday, May 17, the north-south axis of the Place de la Concorde, the Alexandre III Bridge and Avenue Gallieni, in the heart of Les Invalides, in the 7th and 8th arrondissements of Paris, are closed to traffic. until September 2024.

Place de la Concorde is at the heart of a vast project as it will host BMX freestyle, breaking, skateboarding and 3 × 3 basketball events. All traffic – including pedestrians and cyclists – is banned from today on the north-south axis. Line 12 no longer stops at Concorde – to reach the square you must now get off at Madeleine station then continue on foot. The site remains accessible by lines 1 and 8 until June 17. The permanent closure of the square is scheduled for June 1st for a partial reopening from September 7th.

The Alexandre-III bridge is the first to be closed in anticipation of the cycling, triathlon, marathon swimming and paratriathlon events. Pedestrians can use it on the sidewalk upstream, but vehicles will have to wait until September 20.

Avenue Galliéni also closes its lanes until September 25. It will be the scene, with the lawns of the Esplanade des Invalides, of cycling competitions as well as those of archery and the marathon (valid and para). The closure of the Bleuet-de-France roundabout and the making of rue de Grenelle one-way will take place on May 30, then the closure of the portion of rue de l’Université which is located between rue Fabert and the rue Constantine, June 17.