Still, you need a good Dose of imagination, to recognize in all the grey concrete in Frankfurt-Niederrad, the future of the German football Association (DFB). The future of the office of management bald and grey are. The gigantic hall, which will later host a whole football field, still has no roof. And where, one day, the teams on various training courses in the Form of to bring, grow bushes, trees and shrubs. However, during a tour of the construction site for the new DFB Academy is already clear what the Association of his new home promises: the dawning of a new era of German football.

Pirmin Clossé

sports editor.

F. A. Z.

grow The dreams of the DFB quickly. Only at the end of September, was laid in the presence of German Chancellor Angela Merkel solemnly the Foundation stone for the prestigious project. Now the shell is already finished. “We are on schedule, we are in the cost plan”, promulgated by DFB General Secretary Friedrich Curtius of the media appointment on Tuesday proud. In spite of the Corona. “I always say: This is my favorite site at the DFB,” he jokes. Finally, there was the case of the Association in the past years, as we know, to edit a number of topics that were “less pleasant”.

“the DFB is> another organization to be”

<p class="atc-text paragraph", But this should now be final. Because, together with the imposing new Headquarters of the DFB wants to give a new face. "The new DFB, and his Academy" is, therefore, also the concept of the rule of law, the wishes of the Official in relation to the large-scale project. Much value is placed by the Association. Administrative reform in the Background has long been in full swing. Thanks to her, to be created up to the scheduled move-in in the fourth quarter of the year 2021, exactly the structures that make the Association the possibilities of the new Academy to the best possible use.

“The DFB will be a different organization, if we can’t come in here,” says Curtius. “We are counting the days.” National team Director Oliver Bierhoff, pontificates: “It is a giant jump will be a huge boost for the entire German football.” The claim was, “the football better”.