On Frankfurt’s playgrounds in the past few months, an unusual image, at least when you visited the right area of the city. Since the middle of the day grown men you see with their children on Sunday morning at the bakery, or maybe even on a bike ride on Saturday, and they pushed on swings, ranged hands. on climbing your Little ones to scaffold or caught at slip spout stood at the light

Patrick Bernau

editor responsible for the economy and the “money & More” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

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Actually, wasn’t expecting so many men on the Playground, at least not according to the forecast by Jutta Allmendinger, the President of the Berlin science centre for social research (WZB). “A distribution of roles between mothers and fathers, which corresponds to the Generation of our parents and grandparents,” was assigned to””, she exclaimed in may in a post for the “time”. Now, a distribution of roles from the 50s the week before so no men on the Playground. But Allmendinger wasn’t the Only one. “Corona-crisis complicates the reconciliation of work and family especially for mothers” was the title of a report by the German Institute for economic research (DIW).

Reliable data at that time there was hardly. The report of the DIW had no new survey data, the authors could only speculate. Allmen dingers WZB had not made an Online survey that was representative and also only small differences between the working time-indicated developments of men and women. A representative study, there was at the time, the comparisons between the Corona discharge time, and the normal life allowed. They came from the Hans-Böckler-Foundation and suggests that, although mothers are reduced more frequently for the childcare their working hours. However, it also showed that fathers became more often than to carers, previously head of the children.

the division of tasks worked in the family actually

in the Meantime, has become much more clearly what is happening in the Corona-crisis actually. And it turns out: The men on the Frankfurt game jobs in the past few weeks, not a feature. There were many places in Germany. Three new studies provide a pretty clear picture of the division of responsibilities of the families during the crisis.

first: The Institute for Demoskopie Allensbach surveyed for the Ministry for family Affairs, almost 1500 parents. Most of the parents said, the division of childcare had not changed between them. Some of the distribution was equal, others unequal – both groups were about the same size. It was important, “that many of the mothers and fathers shoulders the challenges of this time are increasingly common,” said Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey of the F. A. Z. – that is, from their perspective, “the Central result of the parents ‘survey”.

all Bach shows that 22 percent of mothers have reduced child care to their working hours, but only 18 percent of the fathers. But fathers have reduced their working hours more – as it comes from a second study, the scientists at the Institute for labour market and occupational research (IAB) of the Federal employment Agency have carried out work for employees in larger private Establishments.