When ECC is already in June in anticipation of the upcoming season. No wonder, after the last championship is already at the end of February, the Corona due to aborted. Quite different when celebrities training the guest in the OYM in Cham, ZG: Jonas Siegenthaler, defender of the Washington Capitals, is still in the middle of the season. The NHL has been interrupted, the only League in the world their gaming operations only.

“It feels like I would prepare myself for the Start of a season, not the Playoffs. Because that is where the Hockey is, once again, other than in the Regular Season. It is an unusual Situation, but for every player a new challenge, which he accepts for sure”, says the 23-Year – old, the plans, with the EVZ to go to twice per week in the OYM on the ice.

Siegenthaler remains rather still be in Switzerland

For the NHL, it comes to billions of dollars. It is almost a desperate attempt to continue directly with the Playoffs to enforce. With the latest scenario is that the games will only be completed at two places. However, according to Siegenthaler suggests, however, also be resistance because of some NHL Stars don’t want to be so long separated from their families.

The Zurich must currently live with the uncertainty, even in what concerns the return to Washington. “Everything is still uncertain. Soon, the next vote is. I have the feeling I’m getting new information daily, so it is difficult to assess. I don’t know what to believe. So I’ll just wait.”

must be trained That in North America, since this week, again in small groups, attracts Siegenthaler still over the pond. Because the training conditions here in Switzerland are so good, that he was preparing himself better here.