The investigation against the former presidents of Barça, Sandro Rosell and Josep Maria Bartomeu, and former directors of the Barça club for the payment of 7.5 million euros to the former vice president of the Technical Committee of Referees José María Enríquez Negreira between 2001 and 2018 harmed to Real Madrid. This is the view of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, which has informed the Investigating Court number 1 of Barcelona in favor of the appearance of the white club in this procedure as a private accusation, as judicial sources informed this medium.

The prosecutors have presented their report at the request of the court that asked to know the opinion of all the parties involved regarding the new requests to appear as an accusation in this procedure. The Public Ministry reported only on Real Madrid and is expected to position itself in a few days on the member of the white club or the Higher Sports Council, which also presented briefs to accuse in this investigation for the alleged crimes of corruption in sports and falsehood. documentary film.

The court must decide in a few weeks if it accepts Real Madrid and the rest of the organizations and individuals that have requested it as an accusation. At the moment, only LaLiga, the Spanish Football Federation and the VAR referee Estrada Fernández are included in the LaLiga procedure, whose complaint led to the opening of judicial proceedings, since the investigation had been carried out in the Prosecutor’s Office for more than a year. The judge must also decide if the accusation is particular or popular. In this second case, it would allow the legal address to be unified under a single accusation, the first by order of appearing in the procedure.

The decision of the Prosecutor’s Office contrasts with the request of the former presidents of Barça Rosell and Bartomeu and the former manager Albert Soler, who urged the court to reject Madrid as a private accusation. Specifically, Bartomeu’s lawyer, José María Fuster-Fabra, indicated that in this investigation there is “not the slightest indication of harm” against the white club.

“The admission without any justification of individual private accusations of each of the football teams would lead to a procedure of impossible investigation,” says the lawyer who added that if Real Madrid is accepted “the Real Club Deportivo Espanyol could try to appear, the Celta de Vigo, Elche Club de Fútbol, ​​etc» and the rest of the teams «that participate in the Professional Football League and in the Royal Spanish Football Federation».

Miguel Capuz, former manager Albert Soler’s lawyer, has also presented his opposition to the appearance of Real Madrid in this procedure, considering that there is no direct damage against this team in the payments to Negreira. FC Barcelona could also submit a letter to the court rejecting the white club as the accuser.

However, in their indictment filed in the legal proceedings, Real Madrid detail that they participate “in the National League Championship, so that the actions that are the subject of this case, tending to favor FC Barcelona, ​​one of the main competitors of our client, in the decision-making of the referees and, thus, in the results of the competition, undoubtedly harmed him”.

In addition, they remarked that the Criminal Code “protects cleanliness in sports competitions and the social interest and of its own participants in safeguarding sports integrity, an interest in which ethical values ​​come together and which in turn has economic implications.” For this reason, they requested to be a private prosecution as the prosecutor now considers.

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