Mr fresh grain, through the second Lockdown of the Amateur sports and leisure sports operation in November to rest. How large is your lack of understanding is?

What annoys me in the Lockdown: There is an agreement of the world health organization (WHO) with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It is stated there that the Best for a pandemic is to strengthen the physical powers of resistance of the people through sports. Therefore, it is the falsest of decision-making, the Amateur and grassroots sport to shut down. Grassroots sport in particular, health and sport. The measures of health. But what do sports and exercise is a health understanding, if, for example, children who are overweight, get offers? What does this mean for older people? I was in this year, five Times in the hospital, and I noticed how quickly muscles degrade, even though I am a sporty and active person. Since recently I’m re-building muscle in the gym. This now comes to a Standstill. The question, therefore, is: How do I define actually health? What is the disease with the coronary sport as a rehabilitation measure to your heart? And, and, and. Therefore, it is absurd, because precisely in these areas, distance rules are respected and the protection measures can be implemented.

What to do now?

I am in favour of – and I’m not giving up also, the width of the sports and health sports from these measures to take out. I know that the clubs have already thought about after the first Lockdown, how we go from there. They had already developed hygiene concepts, as the policy has not yet discussed whether relaxed or not. It doesn’t annoy me that politics and administration are able to take timely and early action and to weigh. Instead, a contradictory decision after another is made, can not understand the people simply. And I say now: I don’t want you to understand also. And I don’t want to explain.

young people of the football League: What is a health understanding, if children are not more sports and physical activities get? : Image: dpa

Is because of the actions of the policy change?

The policy says Yes, she does everything well, by treating everything the same and not differentiated. Because if the policy wants to differentiate, it must be a lot of opinions in order. But even that seems to play no role any more. With regard to the tracking, it was just the sport at all, not a Hotspot for infection with the Corona Virus, but the private area. I wonder, then how can it be a solution to drive all people into the Private. This is a kind of helplessness, how to deal with the Virus? I’m not, that everything will be made so. But I get the impression today that we are only making a policy of to equal.

Roland Frischkorn : image: Marcus Kaufhold

Are the damage to health is greater due to the new Lockdown, than what is to be prevented with him?

What are the longterm consequences for children, is the policy going to air-condition a whole society trauma. And behind the politicians any wonder that therapists are needed. Without a wide range of sports the children in a certain way, such as the older people: a loneliness. And this, in turn, can lead, for example, to depression.

assume that the clubs will lose many members?

of Course you have to expect that you will lose members. What is more: In such times a kick as good as any in clubs. The mere fact the members are reduced in numbers. At least in the past few months, but there was a certain stability in the numbers of members. The first Lockdown associations have made their members immediately Online offers for sports. The members were motivated to stick with it. Furthermore, it is to win new members. However, it is difficult to operate a team sport online.