Small jump from Marcus Rashfords poor home Wythenshawe, Manchester, to Palm Beach, Florida. There, the spoon in the cut are a bit Golden, but neighborhood support is also of value. Donald J. Trump, the Golfer-in-chief of the Mar-A-Lago Resort, still needs a few votes to the President of the United States.

A he has in the bag: In the neighborhood of Jack Nicklaus has voted for Trump, who in his glorious Golf career has earned 9.1 million dollars – Peanuts, in the face of today’s prize money, but Nicklaus can’t complain. He did not initially “easy to meet a guy from the middle class in Ohio”, his American Dream, writes Nicklaus, now 80, in his choice recommendation for the President-in-office – and: who to choose Trump, stop America abdrifte in socialism and the government to determine the life.

This is nonsense, but that is the great value of freedom of expression: why not stupid, cocky stuff to tell? Where freedom of speech is allowed to go on the personal priority list of Mr. Nicklaus is also time to stand back, as the fear of socialism. The Golf course architects Jack Nicklaus Design have created so far, 25 seats in the people’s Republic of China.