most people have of Europe, that there was in ancient Olympia is also an Oracle. But, unfortunately, it’s been a long time out of operation. This does not mean that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is better off than all of us: no one can know what on 23. July 2021 will be the day the the – already one year suspended – the opening games of Tokyo. Will mankind by then, the pandemic under control? And if it should then give you a vaccine against the novel Coronavirus: Will it be possible to immunize all of the 11,000 participants and their carers, to come from a maximum of 206 member countries? If not all the Nations send their athletes, have lost the games your sense. It would be hard to save you then.

On all the open questions, the organizing Committee of Tokyo and the coordination Commission of the IOC in the case of the virtual 136. Session can give this Friday is no clear answer. It is up to the IOC, what remains of all: With the use of a lot of money and half of the good activities in the System to keep them alive, until there is a solution, and then continue to make, in the best case, not only simply as in the past, but on a new quality level.

another open question: spectators can come to the Games? Thomas Bach, the President of the IOC, reiterated on Wednesday in a virtual press conference earlier statement: Olympic games behind closed doors, “this is clearly something we don’t want to”. A typical Bach-sentence that implies that there will be situations that could not be asked to give the IOC and the organizers of the games, what you want, because the pandemic constraints dictate the action. Games without spectators, therefore, are at least conceivable. Or games without spectators from abroad? The Japanese Olympic Minister was speaking this week, that travel restrictions could, at least for the participants relaxed. You would have to do it several times on Corona-antibody test, and your external contacts can be minimized.