A Frenchman can hide another. Nils Allègre took over from Cyprien Sarrazin – winner of the Super-G in Wengen (Switzerland) – on the highest step of the podium in the specialty, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).

The skier from Briançon, 30, created a surprise on Saturday January 27 by winning the first World Cup victory of his career. Starting with bib 18, he had a perfect race, despite a track immersed in fog.

This victory is an achievement for the resident of Serre-Chevalier (Hautes-Alpes), who has appeared six times in the Top 10 this season in the World Cup, without ever managing to get on the podium.

“It was a great day, I felt good on the skis, I felt confident. I know that on salt snow, I have one of the best skis on the plateau, explained Nils Allègre, with tears in his eyes. I feel like something came out of me, I’ve been chasing this podium for so many years. It was my 102nd World Cup start, I never stopped believing in my possibilities and today the planets were aligned. »

4th his best result so far

Fourth in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Super-G in 2021 – his best result so far – the Frenchman corrected his copy to win gold, ahead of the Italian Guglielmo Bosca (18 hundredths) and the Swiss Loic Meillard ( 25 hundredths).

Swiss Marco Odermatt, leader in the general classification, finished fourth, after missing his start, ending a streak of 12 consecutive Super-Gs on the podium (since March 2022). Errors which also cost Cyprien Sarrazin a Top 10 (11th). “It’s not a bad run, it’s just not a perfect run,” the person reacted after the race. I’m very happy for Nils (…), we’re in a lot of competition and he did a perfect run, incredibly accurate, and today it paid off. »

The World Cup continues on Sunday with a second Super-G on the program, at 11:30 a.m., in the German resort.