Did you know that a page ranking on the first page of Google results gets 30% of all clicks? 67% of total clicks go to the first 5 results on page 1 of Google.

If you were wondering what’s the importance of organic traffic, now you know. Noticing a drop in your organic traffic results recently? Since Google is always changing up its algorithms, there might be a very good reason for that.

Keep reading to find out more.

1. No Optimization Efforts Run in a While

Google changes its algorithms hundreds of times a year. So if you haven’t kept up with the latest changes and haven’t optimized your website for SEO accordingly, your organic traffic will drop. It’s inevitable.

You can’t coast in the world of Google and SEO forever. Eventually, ineffectual SEO tactics will catch up with you and show up as reduced sales and profits. Don’t let this happen to you.

2. Website Isn’t Following the Latest Trends

The 21st-century consumer is the savviest of the bunch. They care about and are aware of the latest trends in website design and will bounce off your website or not even click on it if it doesn’t follow the necessary paradigms.

That’s why it’s so important for you to hire SEO services and a professional website developer to ensure you are staying on top of the latest design trends and not becoming outdated.

3. Penalized by Google

There are many reasons Google might give your website a penalty. It could be because you are using plagiarized content from another website. Or it could be that you or your digital marketing team is using “black hat” SEO tactics.

It’s not a forever thing, so you can get off Google’s blacklist if you fix your tactics and remove any offending bits off your website. But you have to do it fast so your organic traffic doesn’t drop off for too long.

4. Not Enough Backlinks

Do you have any backlinks on your website? Do you even know what that means? If you haven’t been keeping up with Google’s dictates for the blogosphere, you might not have any backlinks at all and that can be a detrimental thing for your organic traffic.

If you are confused about backlinks, get this and other questions answered here: How many backlinks do I need?

5. Your Content Is Boring

Folks aren’t going to click on your link and Google isn’t going to rank your content high, if your content is boring, blase, and dull. That’s why you need to hire a content writer and think up interesting topics to speak about, so people will want to visit your website and consume your content.

Boost Organic Traffic by Avoiding Common Pitfalls

The game of boosting organic traffic isn’t a static one. It’s constantly transforming as Google changes its algorithms.

Stay on top of your SEO strategy by following the tips above and reading through more of the related articles on our website.