A cyclist is very fond of those days, where there are ’diamonds in the legs’.

the Term derives of course from the pedals, and such a day had the 22-year-old stortalent, Niklas Larsen, certainly not the previous Saturday on a dance floor in the Washer.

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Here it succeeded him namely, to break the leg in the exercise on the floor.

I just stood and danced, angry, so on the on the foot and could feel that something was very wrong, he tells Skive Folkeblad.

The night he was undoubtedly wearing a certain parts per thousand, and today he is thankfully also wearing a certain dose of black humour.

– It is super unfortunate that I come out in such a situation, just by dancing. So, I have since learned, I a second time keep me in the bar.

Niklas Larsen in a different happy moment. Here he is wearing the blue leader’s jersey in Denmark Around. Photo: Ernst van Norde
Niklas Larsen, who in the summer triumphed first with the DM-bronze in Esbjerg, later EM-silver in the under 23 class, and with the breakthrough with the overall victory in the cycling Post North Around Denmark, was for the wrap party with his team, coloQuick.

It came to pass on the illustrious Zwei Grosse Bier Bar in the Slice.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time, the talent runs into an unwelcome injury. He was so getting over one of its kind in the bale, when the accident occurred on the dance floor.

Niklas Larsen has now got a boot on the leg, which he must have in the six weeks before he can begin to retrain, writes Skive Folkeblad.

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